How To Get NPS Promoters? (+ Turn Detractors Into Promoters)

get nps promoters

Did you know that you can turn detractors into promoters? It’s true! According to the Net Promoter Score (NPS) methodology, if you can get a detractor to respond to your survey at all, there’s a chance they might become a promoter.

So you see, the key is to get that detractor to respond to your NPS survey. Once they engage, you have a much higher chance of converting them around to being a promoter.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss how to get promoters by turning your detractors around. Keep reading to learn more!

Table of contents
What is a detractor in NPS?
What is a promoter in NPS?
How to turn detractors into promoters?
1. Encourage Feedback
2. Acting quickly to responses
3. Show empathy with detractors
4. Integrate Net Promoter Score into your CRM
5. Train your employees to handle negative feedback
6. Make a result-driven plan
7. Deliver on the promise

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What is a detractor in NPS?

If an NPS respondent scores between 0 to 6, they’re considered a detractor.

A detractor is an unhappy customer/unsatisfied customers with your product or service. This could be in the form of a negative review, negative word, comment, or action that harms the reputation or success of something.

To convert detractors into promoters, you must first identify what they’re unhappy about. This can be done through surveys, customer service interactions, or social media monitoring.

What is a promoter in NPS?

If an NPS respondent scores 9 or 10, they’re considered a promoter.

Promoters are customers who are willing to advocate for your product or service. They’re the ones who tell their friends and family about how great your product is and why they should buy it.

Promoters are important because they help generate word-of-mouth buzz, which can be a powerful marketing tool. The easiest way to identify your promoters is to measure customer satisfaction using a survey tool like Net Promoter Score (NPS).

How to turn detractors into promoters?

Detractors can actually provide you with valuable feedback about a negative experience with your product or service. They can help you to identify areas that need improvement.

By addressing these issues, you can not only turn the detractor into a potential promoter but also improve your offering to other customers.

1. Encourage Feedback

If you want to convert detractors into promoters, one of the best thing is to approach detractors and encourage them to provide feedback on their customer experiences. This follow up help you to understand their issues and address actionable insights directly.

Additionally, it shows that you’re willing to listen to criticism and make changes based on it. Not every customer will take the time to give feedback, but those who do are usually more likely to become promoters if their concerns are addressed.


Thank you for your feedback. We appreciate your input, and we are committed to making continuous improvements for a smooth customer journey. Your feedback will help us to do just that.

If there’s anything else you’d like to share, please do let us know. We’d love to hear your thoughts.

Thank you,


2. Acting quickly to responses

In order to convert detractors into promoters, you need to be responsive using an engaging tone and give them what they want.

  • This means being available when they need you and providing the help or information they’re looking for.
  • It’s also important to listen to feedback and use it to improve your products or services.
  • When you show that you’re taking customer feedback seriously, it can help turn detractors into promoters.
  • Always try to exceed expectations so that your customers are happy with their experience.

If you can do all of these things, you’ll be well on your way to converting detractors into promoters. Existing customers are one of your best assets, so investing in them is important.

3. Show empathy with detractors

Empathy is key when it comes to converting detractors into promoters. It’s important to understand where they’re coming from and their needs. You can only truly address their concerns and turn them into advocates for your brand.

Here are a few tips for empathizing with your detractors:

  • Listen to them carefully. This means actively listening without interrupting or trying to defend yourself. Just let them vent and pay attention to what they’re saying.
  • Try to see things from their perspective. What might be causing their dissatisfaction? What do they believe would make the situation better?
  • Don’t get defensive or argumentative. Remember, you’re trying to understand their point of view, not necessarily agree with it.
  • Show them that you understand their feelings. Use phrases like “I can see how you might feel that way” or “That sounds frustrating.”
  • Apologize if appropriate. If you’ve made a mistake, admit it and apologize. This shows that you’re taking responsibility for the situation and want to make things right.
  • Offer a solution. If you can’t solve the problem immediately, let them know what you’re going to do to fix it. This shows that you’re taking their concerns seriously and are willing to take action.

4. Integrate Net Promoter Score into your CRM

If you want to effectively convert detractors into promoters, you need to track net promoter system surveys.

You can do this by integrating your net promoter score into your CRM system. This way, you can track customer happiness over time and see which customers risk becoming detractors.

Additionally, you can use net promoter score surveys to segment your customers and target that customer segment with specific promotions or messages.

For example, you might want to send a loyalty discount to customers who risk becoming detractors. Or, you might want to send a survey to customers who have recently become promoters to find out what made them turn around.

Either way, tracking your net promoter score can help you identify which customers are most likely to become promoters and take action to convert them.

5. Train your employees to handle negative feedback

Your employees play a vital role in converting detractors into promoters. They’re the ones who are on the front line, interacting with customers daily.

  • It’s important to train them to deal with customer feedback, both positive and negative.
  • Employee engagement is essential for delivering great customer service.
  • When employees are engaged, they’re more likely to be responsive and provide the help that customers need.
  • This way, they’ll know how to handle customer complaints and turn them into opportunities.
  • A single detractor turned into a promoter can make a huge difference for your business.
  • They’ll be able to identify when a customer is at risk of becoming a detractor and take action to convert them.
  • When your employees are properly trained, they can be a powerful asset in converting detractors into promoters and, ultimately, growth rate.

6. Make a result-driven plan

The final step in converting detractors into promoters is to make a plan. This plan should be result-driven, with specific goals and objectives.

  • Your goals might be to increase customer satisfaction by X% or reduce customer churn by Y%.
  • Whatever your goals are, make sure they’re specific and measurable.
  • Then, create a plan of action to reach those goals. This might involve training your employees, integrating net promoter score into your CRM, or sending targeted promotions to customers.
  • Whatever you do, make sure your plan is designed to achieve results.

How to make a result-driven plan?

You collect feedback to understand customer frustration. And you understand customer frustration to eliminate it.

To eliminate this, you need an action plan. Here’s how you make one:

  • Step 1: Prioritize your goals. Each goal should have a target completion date.
  • Step 2: Set your metrics. Your metric is how you will measure progress towards each goal (i.e. number of customer complaints per month).
  • Step 3: Convert your metrics into actions. For example, if you want to reduce customer churn by 10%, you need to take action to increase customer satisfaction.
  • Step 4: Implement your plan. This is where you put your plan into action.
  • Step 5: Evaluate your progress. Review your metrics regularly to see how well you’re doing. Make adjustments to your plan as necessary.

Your goal is to make a result-driven plan that will help you convert detractors into loyal customers. Follow these steps, and you’ll be well on your way.

7. Deliver on the promise

The final and most important step in converting detractors into promoters is to deliver on the promise and close the feedback loop.

  • If you say you’re going to do something, make sure you do it.
  • This is the only way to build trust with your customers and turn them into promoters.
  • If you don’t deliver on your promises, you’ll only end up further frustrating your customers and driving them away.
  • So, make sure you only make promises that you can keep. And, when you do make a promise, make sure you deliver on it.

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Why Turn Detractors Into Promoters?

Not all detractors have bad intentions towards your business. As a business owner, it’s your top priority to turn a detractor into promoters. Detractors can damage your business in many ways if you ignore detractors.

Detractors harm your brand image

  • Unhappy customers can be serious risks to your brand image.
  • When they are unhappy with your product or service, they are likely to tell others about their poor experience.
  • This can dissuade potential customers from doing business with you.
  • Unhappy customers may leave negative feedback online, which can further damage your reputation and left negative effects on your company.

Detractors are often your most passionate customers. While it may seem counterintuitive, detractors are often some of your most passionate customers. They care enough about your brand to bother expressing their dissatisfaction.

This means that there is potential to turn existing ones into promoters if you can satisfactorily address their concerns.

Having too many detractors can be a hurdle in potential sales

It is a worst case scenario if you have large percentage of detractors of your whole customer base. They can bring your profits down.

  • This is because they are likely to churn (stop doing business with you) and may dissuade others from doing business with you.
  • Keeping your customer churn rate low is important, as it can be very costly to acquire new customers.
  • Turning detractors into promoters can help you to reduce your churn rate and improve your bottom line.

Addressing detractors can lead to increase loyal customers:

  • When you take immediate action and successfully address the concerns of a detractor, they are more likely to become a promoter.
  • This is because they will see that you are willing to listen to their feedback and make changes based on it.
  • As a result, they will be more likely to remain loyal to your brand and recommend it to others.
  • Addressing the concerns of detractors can also lead to increase customer loyalty.

When you make an effort to turn a detractor into a promoter, it shows that you care about your customers and their satisfaction.

This can lead to improved customer retention rates, which are important for business success.

They’ll fill your opponent’s pockets:

  • If you don’t address the concerns of your detractors, many customers will take their business to your competitors.
  • This will not only cost you a customer but also revenue. It is estimated that for every customer that defects to a competitor, they spend about three times as much with them.
  • It is important to address the concerns of your detractors before they take their business elsewhere.

Detractors can cost you new customers

  • Detractors can also cost you, new customers.
  • When they are unhappy with your product or service, they are likely to tell others about their experience.
  • As a result, potential customers may be dissuaded from doing business with you, and you can be lost revenue
  • It’s important to try to resolve the concerns of your detractors before they have a chance to dissuade others from doing business with you.

Ways to identify detractors

1. Run net promoter score (NPS) surveys

If you want to identify your detractors, one of the most effective ways is to run an NPS survey.

By asking customers how likely they are to recommend your product or service on a net promoter score scale of 0-10, you can get a good idea of your detractors.

Customers who score 6 or below are considered detractors, and they’re usually the ones who are unhappy with your product or service.

If you’re seeing a lot of low scores from customers, it’s time to take a closer look at what’s causing the dissatisfaction.

2. Run customer surveys

A customer experience survey is one of the best ways to identify detractors. Use survey tools like Survey Monkey or Google Forms to understand how your customers feel about your product or service.

The results will help you determine which areas need improvement and which customers are likely to be more vocal about their dissatisfaction.

3. Successful companies use churn-prediction software

If you’re looking for ways to identify your company’s detractors, you can use churn-prediction software. This type of software looks at factors like:

  • Customer satisfaction levels
  • Support interactions
  • Product usage data to predict which customers are at risk of leaving.

By identifying these customers early in the customer journey, you can take action to address their concerns and prevent them from churning.

net promoter, other customers, customer experience

What are the 3 categories of NPS?

The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a commonly used survey method to assess customer loyalty and satisfaction. Introduced in 2003 by Fred Reichheld, it has since been adopted by businesses across various industries.

Net promoter score surveys ask customers to rate the likelihood of them recommending your company’s products or services on a scale of 0-10.

  • Promoters = Those who respond with a score of 9-10
  • Passives = Those who respond with a score of 7-8
  • Detractors= Those who respond with a low score of 0-6

To calculate your net promoter first calculate the percentage of respondents who are promoters, and the percentage who are detractors. Then subject the detractor percentage from the promoter percentage.

For example, if 50% of respondents are promoters, 30% are passives, and 20% are detractors, then your net promoter score would be +30 (50%-20%).

Net promoter score is a valuable metric for businesses because it can track customer satisfaction over time and identify areas where improvement is needed.

Other customer surveys are CSAT (Customer Satisfaction Score) and CES (Customer Effort Score). They also helps in root cause analysis in the business world.

What are the reasons behind unhappy customers?

In the business world, there can be many reasons behind customer dissatisfaction. However, some of the most common include:

  • Poor quality
  • High prices
  • Bad customer service
  • Lack of features
  • Buggy or unreliable products

When tackling the problem, be sure to create a customer experience that’s positive along each stage of the customer journey.

Tip: Encourage employee engagement across your company and create a culture other companies aspire to be like! Happy employees create happy customers after all.


Converting dissatisfied customers into loyal customers requires a multi-step approach. You can’t improve what you don’t measure.

Collect customer feedback to understand what frustrates them. Then, prioritize your goals and create an action plan to address the root cause of that frustration.

By taking specific, measurable actions, you can eliminate customer frustration and create a better experience for everyone.

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What is the role of net promoter score surveys in customer experience?

Net promoter score surveys help you understand customer sentiment and gauge customer loyalty. By collecting this data, you can identify areas of improvement and take action to improve the customer experience.

How can I improve business growth?

There are many ways to improve business growth. One way is to focus on customer experience and make sure you’re delivering a great experience at every touchpoint.

Another way is to focus on innovation and create new products or services that customers will love. You can also focus on marketing and make sure you’re reaching your target audience.

What can I do to optimize interactions with my customers?

There are a few things you can do to optimize interactions and reduce churn with your customers. First, make sure you’re providing a great experience at every touchpoint.

Second, focus on customer service and make sure your employees are providing top-notch service.

What does high customer churn means?

Customer churn is the leading indicator of customer dissatisfaction. When customers are dissatisfied, they’re more likely to leave for a competitor. Therefore, high customer churn rates can be an indication that something is wrong with your product or service.

If you’re concerned about high customer churn, make sure you’re measuring it and taking action to improve it.

Do automated responses help or hinder customer experience?

It depends. If your automated response is helpful and informative, it can improve customer experience. However, if your automated response is difficult to understand or doesn’t address the customer’s issue, it can hinder customer experience.

The key is to make sure your automated responses are helpful and add value for the customer.

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